- I trust my body
- I love my body
- I completely trust and love my body.
- My body is perfect.
- I am a perfect vessel for bringing new life
- I am pregnant
- My body is in perfect balance for health and fertility
- My ovaries are healthy
- I will bear a child soon
- My ovaries and uterus are in perfect harmony to create an easy and healthy pregnancy
- I am aware of a great creative power within me
- I celebrate the phases of my cycle and embrace the special blessings each brings.
- I see myself holding a baby
- I see myself bearing a child
- I am complete and safe
- I love myself for who I am
- I am loved for exactly who I am
- My menstrual cycle is finding a perfect. regular, balance.
- I have a healthy lifestyle
- I am dedicated to healthy life choices of fertility
- I am energetic and alert
- I feel fully alive.
- I will be a mother
- The universe is conspiring with me to bring forth new life from my womb.
- I have a healthy womb.
- I give thanks for all the blessings
- I know I will be an amazing mother
- I will be a perfect mother
- I am healthy, happy and fertile.
- My partner and I easily manage our challenges together
- My partner is excited for our baby.
- We will be a happy family.
- We are excited for our first born.
- We will be amazing parents.
- My body was made to conceive and carry a healthy baby with ease.
- I welcome new beginnings and new life.
- I am happy, confident and at ease with myself.
- I love and care for myself
- I nourish my body with clean, whole foods.
- I am becoming more fertile everyday
- I am ready to be a mother
- I am excited to be a mother
- I will raise my child on the right path.
- Everyday I am becoming healthier, happier and more fertile.
- I am surrounded by healing and love.
- I am grateful for my period as it means I am fertile.
- My womb functions perfectly
- My uterine lining is released exactly as it should to prepare my womb for this new, perfect cycle.
- My womb functions perfectly and knows exactly what it is doing.
- As I bleed, I let go of any limiting fears or beliefs of the past cycle.
- I cycle with the moon and with all the fertile women of the world.
- My body is perfectly synchronized to the moon, the ocean, and the patterns of fertility
- My body is already preparing the perfect nutrients and healthy blood for a new uterine lining.
- I trust my body to know exactly what I need.
- I listen to my body and rest when appropriate
- I eat right to nourish and replenish my body.
- I am spiritually active and powerful
- I allow myself plenty of sleep and rest to allow for a perfect cycle.
- I nourish myself perfectly to prepare for this perfect cycle.
- My eggs are plentiful and healthy
- My ovaries are healthy
- My ovaries works perfectly
- My ovaries are energized and fully nourished.
- My uterus is easily preparing itself for a perfect implantation.
- Warm and loving energy surrounds my ovaries and my womb.
- My body is in total balance and harmony, even at the cellular level.
- My follicles are abundant and easily grow.
- My beautiful, healthy ovaries are developing plenty of beautiful, healthy follicles.
- My body is selecting the healthiest and strongest follicle to become a perfect egg.
- I know that my body understands how to grow the very best egg this cycle.
- Oxygen, energy, and blood easily circulate through my body and nourish my ovaries, my follicles, and my womb.
- My ovaries are healthy, fully nourished and work perfectly.
- My body has selected the healthiest and strongest follicle to become a perfect egg.
- A gorgeous, plump, pink egg is ready to be released.
- A perfect egg is being released by my ovary.
- I ovulate at the perfect time in my cycle.
- I enjoy making love and creating life.
- It is easy for me to get pregnant.
- My perfect egg easily meets my partner’s perfect sperm.
- My partner has abundant healthy sperm
- My partner has healthy sperm that are ready to meet my egg
- The perfect sperm easily fertilizes my perfect egg.
- Life is beginning inside of me.
- I know I am experiencing the miracle of life right now in my body.
- A perfect fertilized egg easily snuggles into my womb and becomes a happy embryo.
- My uterus is a lush, warm, jungle of nourishment for my perfect embryo.
- The lining of my uterus is a perfect cushioned thickness and prepared to welcome the fertilized egg.
- My body produces the perfect amount of progesterone.
- My womb receives the perfect amount of blood, oxygen, and energy from my body.
- My embryo is welcome in my warm and nourishing womb.
- I know a miracle is growing within me.
- I trust my body to fully nourish the life growing within me.
- I am getting closer to my baby everyday
- I am fertile
- I am happy, I am healthy, I am ready.
- My body is a fertile place worthy of conception.
- I am grateful for and love my body and all it does for me.
- My life is a blessing
- My womb is strong and fertile
- My eggs are developing perfectly
- My eggs are healthy
- I have the ability to heal myself.
- I feel safe, supported, and loved through my fertility journey.
- I am already healing my body, everyday it heals more.
- I am grateful that I am a woman.
- I support and love my husband (partner) through our fertility journey.
- My menstrual cycle connects me to all women.
- I am working with my body in a loving way to get my menstrual cycle back.
- I am worthy of love, life and happiness.
- I love my partner
- My partner supports our fertility journey
- I stand strong with a loving heart
- I have the confidence to ask for help and receive help when I need it.
- I design my own destiny.
- My partner and I are a team
- I trust my body.
- My body knows what is happening.
- I am worthy of a child
- I will not let the stress of past infertility take over my life.
- I wake up and go to sleep with gratitude in my life.
- I am grateful for my partner
- My partner’s support and love is unconditional.
- This journey has made our relationship stronger
- We will bear a child soon
- I listen to my body and the messages she is sending me.
- I love my self unconditionally
- I have trust in my expert medical team
- My hormones are in balance
- I am patient in waiting for the child in me.
- I will become a mother
- I am a great mother to happy and healthy children.
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